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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How does Roybal Food Consulting analyze food products for the Online Nutrition Label Kit?
    We develop nutrition labels through Database Analysis. This type of analysis calculates the nutritional content of a recipe or formula based on the nutritional content of the ingredients. This method requires that the client sends in detailed information about each product such as recipe, nutritional facts of each ingredient (when using specific brands or suppliers), and pre and post processing weights. Our analysis is conducted strictly via online / remote, so you don’t have to worry about sending physical samples.
  • What products are not eligible for Online Nutrition Label Kit (Database Analysis)?
    Products that are fermented, fried, marinated, brewed, or brined. Ask us for a free consultation to help you with the process.
  • What does the Nutrition Label Kit Include?
    BASIC Nutrition Label Kit -Nutrition Panel -Ingredient Statement -Allergen Statement -FDA Compliant Label Artwork STANDARD Nutrition Label Kit -Nutrition Panel -Ingredient Statement -Allergen Statement -FDA Compliant Label Artwork -Labeling and Compliance Guide Document -Health Claims as applicable PREMIUM Nutrition Label Kit -Nutrition Panel -Ingredient Statement -Allergen Statement -FDA Compliant Label Artwork -Labeling and Compliance Guide Document -Health Claims as applicable -100g Nutrition Analysis Report -Two free edits to our report within the first 90 days in case you make tweaks to your recipe
  • What is a Labeling and Compliance Guide Document?
    Additional document that you can use as a guide for the final label of your product, complying with the guidelines indicated by the FDA. Includes how to place your nutritional label on the product, information necessary for labeling compliance and design guidelines.
  • What is the 100g Nutrition Analysis Report?
    A nutrition analysis is the nutritional breakdown of a food that represents the actual nutrient values which is used for nutrition facts labeling including: calories, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, dietary fiber, sugars, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron and more; reported on a one hundred gram basis as a certificate of analysis. You can use it to: develop your own Nutrition Facts panels for food packages, to send to customers who use your food as an ingredient in their products or to Determine which ingredients contribute calories, fat, etc. to any recipe.
  • What is the Ingredients and Allergens Statement?
    The FDA requires that food manufacturers include an ingredient statement (or list of ingredients) on product packaging. The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 (FALCPA) mandates that packaged food items must declare, in plain language, the presence of any major food allergens on the product packaging. The law defines a major food allergen to mean any one of the following nine foods or food groups (or an ingredient that contains their proteins): Milk, Egg, Fish, Crustacean shellfish, Tree nuts, Wheat, Peanuts, Soybeans, and Sesame. Using the formula for your food product, we will prepare a consumer-friendly Ingredient and Allergen Statement that complies with FDA & USDA regulations.
  • What is a Dual Column Label and how do I know If I need one?
    Food manufacturers may voluntarily use a dual column label to display nutrition information for: food that requires further preparation (such as dry cake mixes or dry pasta products) food that is commonly combined with other ingredients (such as cereal plus milk) Food manufacturers must use a dual-column label for containers that have between 2 and 3 servings in them, and show nutrition information for a single serving and per the whole container. Types of Dual Columns: As Packaged and as as Prepared 2-3 Servings per Container If you need a Dual Column Nutrition Label, we’ll be happy to quote you, ask us for a Free Consultation to help you with the process.
  • How do I place an order?
    You can place and order either online via our website online shop here, or you can schedule a Free Consultation here and we’ll send you a custom quote for your specific order. You can also fill a Service Request Work Order Form Online here or download it here and send it to us via email. You’ll receive an email with a custom quote in the next 24 hours.
  • What product info will you need from me?
    Be prepared with the following information: Description of the product and packaging Recipe information: List of ingredients and detailed process to make one batch (e. 100grams wheat flour, 50grams water, 20 grams baking soda, etc.) Ingredient list: specific description of each ingredient and detailed list as shown in the package (e. baking powder (CORNSTARCH, MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE, BAKING SODA (SODIUM BICARBONATE)), brand of each ingredient if apply. Total ingredient weight Weight before cooking Weigh after cooking Batch yield (total weight and/or number of products obtained from one batch) Net weight of package
  • Do you need my product sample?
    For online orders, no physical sample is required for analysis.
  • What’s your turnaround time?
    Typical turnaround time is 7 business days after your product information form is completed. If you need it expedited you can ask for a Rush turnaround time (subject to an additional fee of $150.00 Dlls), 1-2 business days after your product information form is completed.
  • What do I need on my food label to meet Mexico requirements?
    In case you need Nutritional Labels that comply with the governmental guidelines of Mexico, you can acquire the Nutritional Label Kit for Mexico. Includes all the latest updates, visual changes, warning seals, warning statements and more. The Standard Nutritional Label Kit includes a Labeling and Compliance Guide Document for Mexican Labels.
  • What is involved in getting FDA certified?
    The FDA does not certify companies or manufacturers, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to assure the product being sold meets all FDA regulations for food labeling. Roybal Food Consulting follows FDA compliance regulations in determining the information needed on your food labels, using approved methodologies to produce nutrition facts labels per FDA mandated regulations.
  • Do you perform Laboratory Analysis for Nutrition and/or shelf life studies?
    Yes. We can perform laboratory studies through a Third Party Laboratory. This method simply requires the client to send in the product(s) to be tested (minimum of 500g of sample needed). The laboratory utilizes scientific methods and equipment to physically analyze your sample for the various components that make up the nutritional information needed. Any food sample can be analyzed with the laboratory based method. This method can be used for the following purposes: General Nutritional Labeling needs Validating manufacturer / supplier nutritional information Validating data generated from software based database analysis Product contains unique ingredients or processing techniques (fermented, fried, marinated, brewed, or brined) Analyzing food for animals (pet foods and agricultural feeds) Shelf life studies
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If you have a question that you can't find the answer to, please contact us
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